So, we awoke to big, fat, fluffy flakes of snow falling this morning and it didn't stop in fact it may still be falling lightly if I go and look. So, after lunch we headed out to make a few snowy friends. Apparently, this first guy is a Leaf fan!

Since today happens to be my birthday, the snow was very fitting. Since I can remember, the Christmas tree was always up at my house on or before my birthday. All those decorations were sorta like my party decor and I loved it!
Thanks boys for a my french toast breakfast! My fave is a toss-up between Daddy's Finnish Pancakes and his french toast. I had mentioned that I was out of body wash so the boys got me a big bag
full of it - several varieties - maybe I will have to have a couple of showers each day for the next few just to test them out, lol!

So, we are on the way home from Tae Kwon Do this morning in the car when Doodle Pants (formerly known as Pickle Pants) says to me:
Doodle Pants: "Do you know what my goal in life is?"
Mom: "No buddy, are you gonna tell me?"
Doodle Pants: "I'm gonna be Super Mario and Anna is going to be Princess Peach and we're gonna build a castle! Oh wait, Ari wants to be Super Mario and I will be Luigi. When we are adults, if Anna has babies, I'm gonna ask her if we can turn them into toads!"
Mom: speechless....
So apparently my boy has it all figured out and ummm, yes, Doodle Pants likes Super Mario a lot!!!

And here is what I whipped up this morning while that beautiful snow was falling outside my picture window.....
My inspiration was from
here on the
Bo Bunny blog and these were so fun to make!

Sorry about the lighting, just couldn't get it right.

I would like to share my ornaments at the following challenge blogs:
The Ribbon Girl - Jingle all the way to Christmas
Little Red Wagon - Christmas
Pollycraft Monday Challenge - Christmas
I think I may whip up a few more of these tonight...
Be back soon,
Shanna :)
What I used:snowman - Bo Bunny Etc
stocking - MME Holly Jolly